Reflection Blog

    Hi pals! 

    In this blog, I'm going to do a little bit of self reflection. I was given specific questions to answer, so let's get started!

    1. What technology did you learn to use?

    Well, first of all, I had to learn how to use Capcut. I will say that it was definitely a learning process. It took me a while to figure out how to format my videos, in terms of horizontal or vertical. I actually talked about this a bit in my past production blogs. I also learned how to upload videos to YouTube, although I couldn't figure out how to do it without losing some video quality. Once I uploaded my video to YouTube, I learned how to upload it to Blogger. I used the shortcut way to do it, but I also learned how to do this long way where I have to copy codes and stuff. 

    2. What did you learn about the process of putting a project together?

    One thing I learned is how time consuming it is. It took me so long to figure out what pictures and videos I was going to use, what music I wanted to be in the background, and more. I also learned how difficult editing can be. Although Capcut made it pretty easy, I would still often get stuck on how I want to put all my pieces of media together. Another thing I learned about the process is how to plan a video before making it. I stuggled a bit doing this at first, since I thought it would be easier to just make it without any planning or structure. Once I actually started doing it though, I realized that it's not that easy. That realization made me learn how to properly plan a project before jumping straight into the creation, which I think will help me for next time. 

    3. What do you think you can do to make the next project better?

    Honestly, there's a lot I would change if I could. For one, I wish that all of my pictures and videos were formatted horizontally instead of vertically. Obviously, horizontal is the ideal format for a YouTube video. If I were able to have all my pictures and videos formatted in the same way, I think the project would look better and more cohesive, so I will definitely keep that in mind for the next project. I also would like to figure out a way to upload videos to YouTube without losing their quality. I looked up a bunch of videos and tutorials on how to do this before, but none of them were very helpful. I'm going to look into that for the next project, because I think that'll make the viewing experience better overall. 

    Despite my criticisms though, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. Although I know it can definetly be better, I think it's really cute and it was really fun making a video of all of my friends and me together. 

    Until next time!

    - Ella V. Agnese

    A pretty sunset from the other day :) 


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