Intro blog

    Hey pals!

    I'm Ella Agnese, a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High School. I'm fifteen years old, but my birthday is in less than three weeks from now! I'll be sixteen, which is meant to be the golden age where amazing things happen to me. At least, according to movies. 
    What are some interesting things I can say? Well, to start with the basics, my favorite colors are pink and viridian green. My favorite food is Chinese food, but I also eat a lot of meat since my family is from Argentina. I'm a competitive sailor, and I also just started playing tennis last January. I've actually gotten very good at tennis for someone so new. I've been sailing since I was five years old, and it's probably one of my favorite things to do. I sailed the Optimist from the ages of five to twelve, and then I started sailing a boat called the 29er, which I sailed for three years. Now, I'm starting a boat called the Nacra 15, and I'm super nervous. 

    I also love reading! I read all the time, and it has also inspired me to start writing stories and poems of my own. My dream is to be a writer when I grow up, but I think I'll probably end up in STEM because it's a more stable path. That's okay though, since I love chemistry and math. 
    I work very hard in school. I'm taking very rigorous courses right now, and I also volunteer a lot and plan to join a lot of clubs. I also would like to create a writing club and a sailing team, if possible. I'm already on the tennis team too, and the coach told me I might be team captain this year. 

    This is totally off-topic, but I feel the need to explain why I used the word "pals" to greet you. I used to be a streamer on a website called Twitch, where I called my audience my pals! Pal rhymes with my nickname, so I liked the way it sounded. It's kind of nostalgic for me to refer to you as my pals too. 

    Anyway, it was nice introducing myself. I hope you learned enough about me, at least for one blog. 

    Write you later!

    - Ella V. Agnese

Me crewing in the 29er!:


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