Planning blog

 Hey pals! 

In this blog, I will be planning my commercial, hence the title. 

It's honestly really stumped me, because I have absolutely no idea what I want the final commercial to look like in the end. But, I do have a general idea on how I want to form it. 

So, I plan on using two songs. Right now, I'm thinking "Never Grow Up" by Taylor Swift for the first half of the video. I'll use two or three pictures of little me, doing things that have shaped my current self. I have an adorable video of me waving and talking to a camera from when I was around 6, which I think I'll start with. Then, I'll show pictures of little me sailing, hanging out with my brothers, and more. 

Once I get through that video and the pictures of little me, I'll switch the song (maybe fade out and then fade back in or figure out a way to make the two songs mix and then switch). The second part of the video will be older me. I have a bunch of videos of me hanging out with my friends and of me sailing. I'm still not sure which ones I would rather use. Or, I'll use a video of me saying hi to the camera like the video of me when I was little (a parallel kind of). Then, I'll get into pictures of me and my friends, me sailing, and me doing other things that I like to do. I'm not sure which song would be the best for this part, since I feel like this song would need to match the vibes of the other song I'll be using. So, it may have to be another Taylor Swift song. But I was also thinking of using a portion of  "This Side of Paradise" by Coyote Theory. I'm just not sure if the lyrics are the best for it, since it's more of a love song than a growing up song. "Hesitiation" by Hot Flash Heat Wave may also be a good song to use! The only problem is that it might not match "Never Grow Up". Why is choosing songs so tricky? 

I guess we'll see what I choose in my next blog: the production blog!

Update you soon!

    - Ella V. Agnese

 Little me!                                         


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