Production Blog: Officially Finished!

     Hi pals!

    I have two very excited things to share with you!!

    First off, tomorrow is my birthday! I will officially be 16. I know I talked about my birthday in my intro blog, so I thought I'd let you know! I'm not really doing anything to celebrate, because my best friend got COVID. But, my parents and I are going out to dinner, so I guess that'll be my mini celebration.

    Tomorrow is also the first FLHS Writing Club meeting! Writing Club is the club that I made at my school, and it's essentially just a fun club where people can get better at writing and express their creativity. I guess it could also be considered a mini birthday celebration, since I'll be bringing donuts and a lot of my friends will be there. I'm super excited.

    Anyway, going to something a little more relevant, I have officially finished my commercial!

    I just got done, and I'm super happy with it. I really didn't change much since the last blog. I basically just made a few last minute edits to make it a little better. For example, I removed the audio off of some videos so that there wasn't too much unnecessary background noise. I also made the music fade out towards the end, so that there wasn't a super abrupt stop to the video. I ended up still feeling like it ended without a good closure, but I didn't really know what to do about that so I just decided that it's good enough. I added a little heart at the end so that there could be a little bit of a wrap up though, so hopefully that'll work. To be honest, I'm probably just being too knit picky of my own work. 

    So yeah! This is my last production blog for this project. I'm actually super happy with the turnout of the video; I think I did a pretty good job (or at least the best I could do). It honestly is just so cute to me and I think it's a great potrayal of me and my friends!

    Closing out for now, 

    Ella V. Agnese

How I feel after finishing my first video:


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