Introduction to the Music Video

    Hey pals!

    I'm Ella Agnese, a sophomore at Fort Lauderdale High School. I’m sixteen years old. My birthday was actually a few weeks ago, and it still doesn’t really feel like I’m sixteen. I was kind of expecting more of a change you know? 
    What are some interesting things I can say? Well, to start with the basics, my favorite colors are pink and viridian green. My favorite food is Chinese food, but I also eat a lot of meat since my family is from Argentina. I'm a competitive sailor, and I also just started playing tennis last January. I've actually gotten very good at tennis for someone so new. I've been sailing since I was five years old, and it's probably one of my favorite things to do. I sailed the Optimist from the ages of five to twelve, and then I started sailing a boat called the 29er, which I sailed for three years. Now, I'm starting a boat called the Nacra 15, and I'm super nervous. 

    I also love reading! I read all the time, and it has also inspired me to start writing stories and poems of my own. My dream is to be a writer when I grow up, but I think I'll probably end up in STEM because it's a more stable path. That's okay though, since I love chemistry and math. 
    I work very hard in school. I'm taking very rigorous courses right now, and I also volunteer a lot and plan to join a lot of clubs. I also would like to create a writing club and a sailing team, if possible. I'm already on the tennis team too, and the coach told me I might be team captain this year. 

    This is totally off-topic, but I feel the need to explain why I used the word "pals" to greet you. I used to be a streamer on a website called Twitch, where I called my audience my pals! Pal rhymes with my nickname, so I liked the way it sounded. It's kind of nostalgic for me to refer to you as my pals too. 

    Anyway, it was nice introducing myself. I hope you learned enough about me, at least for one blog. 

    Write you later!

    - Ella V. Agnese

Me crewing in the 29er!:



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