My Group for the Music Video
Hi pals!
Today, we were tasked with the assignment to create a music video. For this project, we were able to choose to work with a group. I decided that I think it would be beneficial to work with a group, so I chose two of my best friends: Charlize and Sabrina. I didn't only choose to work with these girls because they're my best friends. I chose to work with them because they're both very smart and hardworking, and I think all of our talents and hard work combined will come together to make a great video. I'm not worried about us getting sidetracked or off task, since all of us really care about what we do and will want to make the best music video we possibly can. And, if I have to be honest, I think working with them will just be really fun and we'll have a great time.
We've already been flooded with ideas, brainstorming nonstop. We even have an entire notebook page full of ideas for a theme, song, and general plan! This does include our song choice as well. It was hard choosing a song, since we had so many ideas and great options that we didn't know what to choose. After careful consideration, however, we chose the song "This Love" by Maroon 5. The main reason we chose this song is because we think it's perfect for the idea we have for the music video, which will be revealed in a future blog. We also all love the song, and the beat is really nice. As a friend group with really different music tastes, it was honestly surprising we were able to agree on a song as quick as we did.
I'm really excited to start officially planning and storyboarding the video! I'm also especially excited to start filming, which I think will be the best part of the whole thing! We'll see how it goes.
Until next time!
- Ella V. Agnese
Me, Charlize, and Sabrina:
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