Filming is Done! Woo!

    Pals! I'm soo excited to tell you that we are OFFICIALLY done with filming our video!

    It's been a long, bumpy journey to get to this point, but we've made it. Honestly, at some points I didn't think we were ever going to. But look at us go!

    There was one final hurdle we had to jump before filming a few days ago. Our original "Parker", who's actual name is Parker, couldn't work with our film schedule after all. It was very frusterating, but we were able to find a replacement. So on Saturday, Charlize, Sabrina, Gavin (our new Parker), and I all went to Holiday Park to film. 9

    We tried to shoot in as many locations as possible so that it looked like they were different dates, however we forgot to bring a change of clothes, so that didn't really work out. We essentially filmed identical "dates" for each girl, to show that he was playing them and didn't actually care about them. So I had to do two for each location. I filmed shots of them walking together, playing soccor together, and more. One of the scenes was at the bleachers, where "Parker" gives each girl a present. I really had to give some acting tips on this one, because they all did not look appreciative at all for the presents. Another scene which I really liked was when he throws a football and the girls cheer him on. 16

    After it got dark, we went to a boba shot to finish up. I filmed Gavin giving both Charlize and Sabrina necklaces, and I tried to do a cool thing where the camera starts up close to the boba and zooms out as it follows him walk up to Sabrina. We filmed a couple more scenes there, and then we went outside again to film the final scene in which the girls catch Gavin cheating! This was definitely the funniest scene to shoot... You'll see why soon enough. 

    It was such a fun day, and though awkward at times, I think it turned out pretty great. I guess you'll be the judge of that though. 

    Bye for now,

    Ella Valentina Agnese


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